
Greenwich offers a wonderful cosmopolitan culture with a diverse mix of people that hail from the town itself as well as from all areas of the country and the globe. Equally diverse are the activities for people of all ages as well as those in arts and recreation that are available to town residents. See more on these topics in our More Local section of the Web site.

Culturally Greenwich features one movie theaters, the Bruce Museum, the Greenwich Historical Society, several private art galleries, the Greenwich Symphony, The Music Committee of the Friends of the Greenwich Library, The Greenwich Parks and Recreation Department summer series of lunchtime concerts, Greenwich Choral Society as well as popular fixtures such as the Melody Men of the Retired Men's Association, the Grace Notes of the Junior League of Greenwich. In addition, there are music schools and/or instruments stores in town.

On stage, there are five acting companies in Greenwich which feature and array of acting styles. These organizations include: the Acting Company of Greenwich based at the first Congregational Church of Greenwich, Curtain Up Theater Arts School and the St. Catherine's Players out of St. Catherine of Sienna Church in Riverside. â?¨

Many of the aforementioned are also supported by the Greenwich Arts Council (, a private non-profit group established in 1973 to foster many forms of art, including that of the performing arts.