Recreation Overview for Greenwich CT

Greenwich's 50 square miles encompass more than 1,500 plus acres of public and private recreational areas, parkland, playgrounds and magnificent, unspoiled open space generally open from dawn to desk, with public facilities partly limited for use by residents and requiring permits.

Within this section of the Web site you will find information on Greenwich's public and private: beaches, boating and sailing facilities, golf facilities, parks, playgrounds and ball fields, swimming facilities, skating rinks, and tennis and paddle tennis facilities. Information on these amenities can be found via the below links or through the navigation links at the top of the page.

Greenwich Department of Recreation and Public Park and Beach Passes

The Greenwich Department of Recreation oversees most of the town's recreational facilities and the administration related to annual park, beach, golf and tennis passes. They may be contracted anytime at:

The Greenwich Department of Parks and Recreation

Joseph A. Siciliano, Director
Town Hall-101 Field Point Road, 2nd Floor
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
Telephone, General: 203.622.7814
Recreation Division: 203.622.6494
Marine and Facilities Operations: 203.622.7818
Parks and Trees: 203.622.7824

Official Town of Greenwich Department of Parks and Recreation Web page


Park and Beach Passes

Seasonal resident and non-resident guest park and beach passes can be obtained at the Beach Card Office in the Town Hall or at the Eastern Greenwich Civic Center for single visits.